A leading private school in the home counties with a large boarding contingent.
A leading private school in the home counties with a large boarding contingent.
A newly appointed Bursar wanted to enhance the security of the schools located in a rural location and open campus with extensive public rights of way.
They approached AI Schools to undertake a security review and identify cost effective options to enhance the security profile.
A review of the threat environment and the school’s prevailing security profile was undertaken, incorporating a terrorism threat assessment.
A total of 10 recommendations focusing on:
Procedural changes (lockdown procedures and staff training)
Technical security changes (relocating existing cameras)
Enhancements (creation of vehicle screening point)
Supplier contract re-design (security patrol & response)
In addition to the above a written was provided to enable the Bursar, as a “Responsible Person” under the impending Martyn’s Law, that they had discharged their duty to implement appropriate procedures to deter and prevent terrorism.
Within 6 months the Bursar wrote:
"Since your visit and report a security, traffic and parking working group has been working hard to make tangible progress. Our physical infrastructure will be very different by the end of the summer. We have also progressed with many of the operation details you set out!
More to do on training which I will come back to you on but definitely better than we were. Thank you again.”
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